Information security

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Due to the increasing cybercrime, it is necessary to implement effective security controls – organization-wide. It sounds like a complex and time consuming process. It is. That is why the Conformatix Compliance Navigator makes achieving, continuing or implementing information security (ISO 27001) successful.

Risk analysis

The Conformatix Compliance Navigator supports the organization in carrying out a risk analysis. After completion, the risk analysis is included in an overview. This gives you insight into the risks your organization runs if it does not (fully) comply with laws and regulations, ISO standards, such as ISO 27001, and industry standards, such as NEN 7510.

Risks identification

Based on the risk analysis performed, the Conformatix Compliance Navigator automatically generates a risk treatment plan that includes all risks. With focus within the risks. By assigning a risk score to each risk, you can easily prioritize the risks that are most important to your organization. This provides an overview. Your job? Assign a (risk) owner to the risk to be treated. 

Assign risks to a risk owner

It may be difficult to keep an overview of compliance and tasks within an organization. Especially when working with a (large) team. The Conformatix Compliance Navigator allows you to assign risks to a risk owners. Conformatix provides the risk owner with as much information as possible: colleagues possibly involved, the event to which the risk belongs, the categories and to which legislation and regulation or which standard element the risk relates.

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