Conformatix Wiki

Register Issue

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  1. Short Description: Please enter a title here that identifies the issue.
  2. Issue Type: Please select one of the possible values.
    • Audit - For issues coming from an internal or external audit
    • Context Analyses - For issues related to the normal operations
    • Improvement - For improvements or issues that are not process related.
  3. Issue Category: Select a category. The values are managed here.
  4. Process Name: Select from the drop-down the related process to your issue. Note that this value is required for all issue types with exception of issue type improvement.
  5. Process Step: Select a value which is based on the process selected.
  6. Asset: (Optional) Select an asset if the issue is also related to an asset. This list is populated from the assets managed from the asset administration section.
  7. Add Document: (Optional) add a document to your issue.
  8. Description: This is where you should write a detailed description of the issue encountered, so that the process owner understands the issue as he/she will be notified and has to address and/or assign the issue.
  9. Requirements: From all the norms entered in your Conformatix instance, you can select one or multiple requirements or even complete chapters that you think are impacted by this issue.
  10. The selected requirements from the list under 9 will show here. You can deselect one in case you made an error.
  11. Save: Once you are done, please re-read and press save when you are ready to publish the issue. The process owner will be notified that there is an issue.