Conformatix Wiki

Release Notes

Conformatix® v1.5.5.1 Release notes.

Release date: August 6th 2021 (16:00 - 17:00 CET)

Some of the fixes and additional functionalities are related to conformatix risk module. This module makes it easy to identify and manage risks. Focus on – but not limited to – information security. If you do not use this module yet, please consider it and contact us.

We always plan new features ourselves but would like to encourage you to communicate your future wishes with us. This way your requests can be taken into consideration and perhaps taken into the next releases. For existing planned features, please scroll down to the latest page.

New functionalities / Improvements

Action Buttons

We moved all action buttons throughout the application to the left side for more consistency.

Risk Assessment

When adding threats or consequences in the risk assessment, we added a hover field to display the content of the selected part when you move your mouse over the field.

Risk Treatment

A new part has been added to display the related issues directly in the risk treatment itself. This enables you to easily see which issues are related to the treatment. The issues are clickable to directly view or edit them. A treatment also has been given a number now.

Insights: menu

We changed the way the insights are displayed to be more consistent with the rest of the application. Insights are now in the left-hand menu as well. On top two reports have been added, A user report as well as a new compliance report.

Insights: Users

A new user report has been added to provide an overview of users and particular the relations with the department, function, roles, user-based roles and user group.

Insights: Compliance Overview

This new report will give you insights in the Norms, their requirements, applicability, process relation, the audit frequency, performed audits, their dates and who performed the audit. A selector for norms and a data range allows you to narrow down and filter the results on the screen.


We added two email triggers to the handling of issues. When an issue is assigned to a user, the assignee will now be informed by email. When the assignee puts the issue at ready for verification, the selected verification user will be informed by mail as well. In the case no user is selected the default email as set in the company details will receive the ready for verification email.

Compliance: status

We changed the behavior of the compliance status waterfall. When an issue is created and a process is selected but no requirement is selected, all requirements which are linked through the process-requirement relation will get the status fail. In the case an issue has a requirement present only those requirements will get the status fail.

Compliance : related issues

We also updated the behavior of the related issues. An issue linked to the requirement can be present in this part through two relations:

1.) through the direct relation of a process;

2.) through the relation with an issue. An issue present in this might not influence the compliance status itself. (For example an improvement, or when the issue has a direct requirement selected)

Bug Fixes:


We changed and added translations for two parts of the dashboard: "Documentation" is now "Non published processes" and non compliance is now translated as well.

Risk Treatment

In Firefox the arrows to amend the scores provided an issue where they are not clickable. We removed the arrows and replaced them with a "+" and "-" to provide better user experience throughout all major browsers.


We fixed reported issues within the search functionality within processes.