Conformatix Wiki

Release Notes 1.5.9 & 1.6.0

Conformatix® v1.5.9 & v1.6.0

(other Release notes)

Release date: January 29, 2024 (1.6.0) / Release date: September 29, 2023 (1.5.9)

Some of the fixes and additional functionalities are related to conformatix risk module and/or multi-site module. If you do not use these modules yet, please consider them and contact us.

Clients might have perspectives we have not thought of in our planned future releases. Therefor we would like to encourage you to communicate your future wishes with us.
Your requests will be taken into consideration and if they are found usefull for the majority of the clients, we will schedule them for a future release.

Release notes 1.5.9 & 1.6.0

1.5.9 : September 29th 2023

1.6.0 : January 29th 2024


1.6.0 - Management Reports & Dashboard

User dashboard

We are very pleased to announce that the dashboard has been adjusted and components have been moved to different tabs. The dashboard now provides a graphical representation of what needs attention for that employee. Depending on the user group (rights), it is determined what is or is not visible.

Under the heading “My Non Compliance” a pie slice is now visible showing an overview of the status

of your management system. Clicking on the red part of the display the view changes and displays the underlying deviations for each subject in pie slices.

Each individual pie slice is clickable and will display the underlying items in a new screen.

Management overview

Under menu option 'Compliance' there is a new menu option "Management overview". With the "wrench" you can select which norms you would like to see to get insights on the status of each norm. By clicking on the red non compliance pie, it will open the underlying parts causing the non compliance, so managers can clearly see what needs to be done in order to become compliant.

Attention: The Risks view numbers will show all risks without a normelement assigned, at each norm. Because of the missing norm those risks will be shown in each pie.

1.6.0 Insights

Two new reports have been added to the Insights Menu. These reports provide insight into the relationships between Standards and risks and the relationship between processes and risks.

NOTE: If you don't have a license for the risk module, these reports are blank.

1.5.9 - Processes - Revision history

We added a tab at processes to view the last revisions as displayed over the last 2 years.

1.5.9 - Audit planning -> Filter grid

We added the possibility to filter the grid on location.

1.5.9 - Process > Create user setting for keeping selections in multiple screens

We have made adjustments to save some specific user settings in screens in the user profile.

1.5.9 - Add header footer to PDF documents

We added options in the company section to set a few PDF output parameters:

  1. Font type and sizes (Header, subheader, body → the used font sizes).
  2. Header Logo Y/N (The PDF uses the logo file was added in the 'login' tab)
  3. Footer text

1.5.9 - We changed the summernote editor to tinyMCE to offer more/better functionality in the text editor.

1.5.9 - Security updates have been applied to the platform.

1.5.9 - In the audit registration screen (edit or register), the "auditor" field has been made mandatory


1.5.9 - Processes - Process steps - Revision date no longer displays the changes

1.5.9 - Creating users caused an issue

1.5.9 - 500 warning at opening the audit planning

1.5.9 - DataTabel Warning at Insights -> Compliance overview

1.5.9 - Version number below left corner was missing

1.5.9 - The order of process steps was no longer correct when creating a new process step

1.5.9 - Color coding of the compliance screen was not always representing correct

1.5.9 - When adding a hyperlink in the "Description" and "Follow-up" memo fields of an issues, the hyperlink display did not work as expected.

1.5.9 - When creating an Export from the audit schedule (after applying filters), some columns were missing in the excel export.

1.5.9 - The alphabetical display of various lists did not work correctly.

1.5.9 - In the issue screen, the "Verification Description" remained visible if 'Ready For Verification'-switch the button was set to NO.