Conformatix Wiki

Release notes 1.5.4

Conformatix® v1.5.4 Release notes.

Release date: April 1st 2020

Some of the fixes and additional functionalities are related to conformatix’s risk module. This module makes it easy to identify and manage risks. Focus on – but not limited to – information security. If you do not use this module yet, please consider it and contact us.



We added a SOA Report. you can now run a SOA (Statment of Applicability) A selector is added to select the Norm you would like to SOA to display.


We added an entity relation to process


We applied several security updates on server and application levels.


Administration > Entities

There was an issue in the columns where the sorting was wrong

Process step

Each time a process step is edited, a version is saved, because of that a process step appears many times in the "related used list" when for example an asset was removed or other parts that have a relation to the process. Versions “lock” older resources (like roles) causing them to be unremovable. Since an old revision is locked for editing customers could not remove the parts used in those old revisions.

Rich text editor issues

We fixed the way some tables where handled incorrectly and how the MS Word document was exported.

Parsing special characters sometimes caused issues.

Sometimes an image insert caused unexpected issues.


Sometimes upon creating a new requirement, therew as a blank screen