Conformatix Wiki

Release notes 1.5.6

Conformatix® v1.5.6 Release notes.

Release date: October 29th 2021 (16:00 - 17:00 CET)

Some of the fixes and additional functionalities are related to conformatix risk module. This module makes it easy to identify and manage risks. Focus on – but not limited to – information security. If you do not use this module yet, please consider it and contact us.

We always plan new features ourselves but would like to encourage you to communicate your future wishes with us.

This way your requests can be taken into consideration and perhaps taken into the next releases.

New functionalities / Improvements


Risk Treatment tasks now are presented with the R prefix.

Email Templates

Emails send from the conformatix environment are now translated and manageable globally.

Register Audit

Add the requirements automatically from the Process.

Register issue

Add the requirements automatically from the Process.

We also added a field "Created By" which will show once an issue is stored in the system and viewed/edited again.

Register issue from audit

Automatically load the requirements from the audit-item when an issue is created directly from the audit (edit/register)
a) it now auto-loads the requirements from the existing audit
b) when a) is empty (eg nothing is present in the requirements field) it will auto-load the requirements from the related process to the issue.

Risk Module > Risk Treatment

We added the event field to the treatment screen to easily see the relation to the event.

Insights > Audit Report

We added an option to download the reports in PDF format to support images and styling. An info (warning with a text) will show when exporting to word that no images & styling will be exported. We also re-structured the content of the audit report.

  1. We moved the columns auditor & Entity to the left in the overview.
  2. Only issues created from the audit itself will be shown in the audit report.
  3. Audit name (in which the audit items are grouped) is now shown in the report.
  4. Audit date of the actual audit item is displayed.
  5. Auditor first- & last name is added (who registered the audit item).
  6. Images are now exported as well in the PDF.
  7. Related Issues will list all related issue ID's to the audit.
  8. We will list the ID number and in the next column we will display the issue description. We added a 3px line between the issues for easier reading.
  9. Entity field is added to the export, but the row is only visible if the field has a value.
  10. Changed font size in the export.

User Based Settings

We added the user-based settings also to the "My Account" settings so the user can see for themselves what settings apply. The screen itself was slightly amended to provide a better UI experience.

UI (User Interface)

In general, the error handling message on screens are mixed throughout the application based on functionality. In several cases the highlighted field is below the screens viewport and it is missed if not scrolled down. Since we found that confusing now the focus is set on the error and made visible in the viewport.

Bug Fixes:

User Based Roles

A bug prevented the "Also user based" flag to display correctly.


Sometimes HTML characters where not parsed correctly in the relevant Processes & Risk widgets.

When an audit is done on a requirement where no proces is needed (or yet to be added), the audit did not show on the compliance overview.

Asset versioning

We added asset versioning to some cached files so refreshing caches is enforced with a new release.

Asset Goal- & Asset Data Categories

Column name was missing in the view.

Administration > Functions

Column header & data was mixed.


The unassigned norms report didn't show unassigned requirements when a requirement had no audit frequency set.


We discovered a few flaws in the translations which are now fixed and added missing translation parts such as the Risk categories and CIA categories.



A security patch was applied on the application server